Mustard Seed Comics was founded in the year 2000, by Benito. Named and Inspired by ‘The faith Of a Mustard Seed’, from the Bible, Mustard Seed Comics strives to bring GOD, (Lord & Creator of Mankind and all things) in all of it’s Titles. We believe in putting GOD first in all that we do and giving him the glory at all times. All titles released from our company, are written, drawn & expressed with total honesty from it’s creators, making our works true to the creators thoughts, avoiding commercialism. We believe in the truth of creation, the Artist’s original vision. Most companies avoid this to stick to formulas that suit the masses, they think, but what happens is what we call the (DOOM OF REPETITION!). Where every product you buy is BIG corporations who thrive on spoon feeding the public what they think is best for them. Not us, NOT Mustard Seed Comics, , All our books are creator owned, and pure. We do not produce pornography, or titles deliberately offensive to any culture,or persons, but in the context of the story and dialogue, attempt to accurately display the views that are expressed openly in real life, so that the reader can see that though our titles be fantasy, they are as close to reality in terms of content and execution. We hope that our readers will always know that when Mustard Seed Comics releases a book, it’s more than just a book, it’s an experience.
Where do I begin?.. It’s been a dream of mines to honor The Creator, or Creators, by sharing my gifts with everyone. I don’t expect everyone to like me, or my books, or to get the deep messages that I implant in all that I do, but I know a lot of people will. For those who never met me, but have heard me on my YouTube Channels, The Wayfarer or Scream N Terror Reviews, I come off rough, obnoxious, perverted, etc, But in truth, I’m just expressing my self UNCUT, As I do in my work. Most people are NEVER honest with themselves or others, but tend to try to appeal to a code of conduct that is dishonest and only conceals their truth and motives for a acceptable response. I myself choose to be straight forward, honest, and hope that if anything, you get my truth.
The Channel that was Banned from YouTube! Just keeps coming back! Coming This October 31st (2021) Only available through Torrent Download Comes The Hell-o-ween special event of the year! And don’t forget to download the whole Scream N’ Terror show while you still can. Here’s a link (Torrent) Containing all Six seasons and bonus episodes not aired or banned. It’s a 147 GB, just download, Unzip, extract and enj
oy! I will be returning with a super duper Halloween special! Only available here, via torrent. T
hanks, and enjoy!

Phantasm 1979 Mustard Seed Comics
Night of the Demons