Shaun's Blogs
Write up on Discrete Mathmathics in an educational Curriculum for grade school and high school students
Literature Review1.1 Discrete Mathematics used for Computer Science as a Fundamental basics to learn AlgorithmsThe Need for Computer ScienceThis is largely based on how exposed

Write up on Dr . Who Pilot Episode : Unearthly Child
Literature ReviewDr Who: 001-An Unearthly Child Episode Number: 001Production Code: ANumber of Episodes: 4Original Broadcast Date: November 23, 1963The Doctor: William HartnellCompanions: Susan (The Doctor’s

Write up on Dr Who: Episode 2 – A Cave of Skulls
Literature Review Doctor Who A Cave of Skulls originally aired November 30, 1963When last we left Doctor Who, concerned teachers Ian (William Russell) and Barbara

Write up on Edgar rice burroughs
Introduction John Carter of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs has influenced many science fiction and fantasy works, including characters, subgenres, and films: Characters John Carter is

Write up on Enki Bilal
Translated in French to English Background of Study Introduction Enki Bilal, the son of a Czech mother and a Bosnian father, spent the first nine

Write up on ethopian presence in homer’s novels
Significance of the Study Homer’s somewhat mythologized early account the Ethiopians, the first significant Greco-Ethiopian interaction is traceable back to the employment of Ionian and