Shaun's Blogs

Days of the Dragon
Days of the Dragon Short Story created by Shaun Scott’1993( 13 years old) 45 pages continued in 2013 PrologueThe dragon is a mythical beast; In

New Jersey War Journals
Illustrated by Sky Young & Written by Shaun Scott Since the Dawn of man the Shadow Law has been around. It started in Mesopotamia when

New Jersey War Journals :Chapter II
Illustrated by Sky Young & Written by Shaun Scott Since the Dawn of man the Shadow Law has been around. It started in Mesopotamia when

Night time Forest Legion
During the spread of the Christ & Constantinople crusade to spread Christianity magic and magicians as well as Demi gods were hunted down . Merlin

Nubian Kache Tales of the Trionous galaxy
Illustrated by Mustard Seed Comics & Written by Shaun Scottt 12 Chapters Full on PDF Format Pharaohs Rulers of the Nubian Kache Quadrant of the

Revenge of the Billy Goats Gruff
Revenge of the Billy Goats Gruff By Shaun Scott “Old witch throw your bones so that I may find my troll brother.” “Why would you