Hratch Israelian born in Armenia, 1956.
He pioneered this Painting Process in 1972.
Hratch lives and works in Los Angeles since 1980.
What do we get from art? When we see artwork, what’s unique about that experience? It is a playground where our mind and emotions interact with the free minds of others.
The retired artist in us feels a certain high to be in the same playground that we discovered when we entered this world. As a child we had a direct spontaneous relation with the world. When we paint or play in the sand, we leave our unique artistic mark on the things around us. Just like art, all the scientific inventions are products of the spontaneous question, “What would happen if…?” This question is also the formula of a child when he or she discovers the world. Most of us abandoned this free play of the mind and lose our spontaneity when the world starts to attack us with its rules. In our maturity, when painting and drawing introduce their rules to us, we discover that we are no longer good at art and it’s hard to achieve high quality in it. We abandoned it, later to find out that no other entertainment can fully take its place. We’ve been deprived of our first and naturally favorite activity, because there is no easy way to do it anymore.
But there is.