For Debbie

- December 12, 1967- May 8, 2020
Deborah Desoto was born in Flushing Queens from birth until she was 9 years old and then moved to Seminole ,Florida
Define Dream :a series of pleasant thoughts that distract one’s attention from the present was Deborah Desoto’s escape for years doing Tech Art and Writing. Deborah Desotto at a later age started to take her craft seriously. Deborah aided at DaydreaminComics by recruiting and marketing the products along side writing her own series Falcon & The Red Machete she inspired to have illustrated . Deborah Desoto displayed her Fashion Tech Art on DaydreaminComics debuting as the First Born Lady of DaydreaminComics. Deborah often inspired myself Shaun Scott to never give up and finish and accomplish my dreams one day dreamt of DaydreaminComics having a Centralized Studio on physical Site.
Deborah Desoto designed Gothic Fashion in which she dreamt of incorporating Gothic Fashion and Gothic Gangster” Alternative Rock “ Grunge” into the Comic book consortium . Fashion would make it more than comics but an entire art consortium.
Tech Art/ Fashion Display
Sonnets by Deborah Desoto:
Red Falcon & Red Machete
The Beginning of the hateful journey; is that the Falcon Red Eye Machete totally hates the Venomous Twins through and through, but his option is either join us or dies! The Falcon Red Eye Machete cannot relate to our form of justice, he is and might never get it.
In regard to, the Falcon Red Eye Machete; the Twins either put up with it or consider just kill Falcon Red Machete. The Falcon Red Eye Machete is right; the Venomous Twins are good and evil in one package. The Twins observed Falcon Red Eye Machete’s value. Falcon Red Eye Machete is all for the rush the money and the kill maybe he might of use for the Twins?
Falcon Red Eye Machete is a great human as for as death and hate Falcon Red Eye Machete choses the dark side . Although, the Venomous Twins chose him because he knew our dark side but he loves the good in us. Now, Falcon Red Eye Machete went dark and is no use to the Twins his value seems to dwindle. Death as they say is the Beginning. Whom shall be the judge? Falcon Red Eye Machete and the Venomous Twins want revenge. What does the Falcon Red Eye Machete want? We all want the same thing, Justice. The Question existing is Justice and Revenge not the same thing? Falcon Red Eye Machete and the Venomous Twins have a plan but most mortals choose not to carry what we as a whole plan out, most humans hope for the useless government to help them. The pact was created but no answer will do it; to end evil no matter the cost.
Justice will prevail no matter the cost and all will remain is the dust and dirt and scum that all will step on. To fight evil Red Eye Machete, Toxic, and Electric, must become the very thing that they hunt all evil and all good one must know your enemy. Remember one thing, and one thing only; all that time and blood and justice have no factor that will be done. Falcon Red Eye Machete will not wait for things like time, nor care about the blood. Red Eye Machete cares only about Justice.
Choices, Everybody has choices. Red Eye Machete choose to go rogue even after the Venomous Twins. Toxic and Electric taught Red Eye Machete that getting what you want is not the best path. The Venomous Twins are getting the justice and revenge that they desired but at a cost.
The Venomous Twins both tasted the lust in victory for justice and revenge also the will not to kill for nothing. Toxic wants more and more Justice to a point it becomes Greed. Toxic’s lust for revenge grows strong day by day. Electric on the other hand has more evil than her twin thought. Self Control is what we internally wrestle with the Twins and Red Eye Machete need to find more in control for our Greed and Lust . In our thinking, we are ones that save the humans from themselves that is why we have these powers.
The Venomous Twins are going to stop whatever the Red Eye Machete has in his plans and try to save him from himself. In order to stop Red Eye Machete, this means that we are to go rogue like him . This is not revenge, but for justice . Revenge means only evil dies. This path is so hard for the Venomous Twins, because we have seen tend to feel or care too much for mankind.
In the same respect we hate to much. Falcon Red Eye Machete kind is bloodline is from Russia and German during the 1660’s during the rule if Tsar Alexis.
The Venomous twins, their kind are from England, France and Greece. Their bloodline starts 1640’s. Despite their ages the Venous Twins and Falcon Red Eye Machete have done the right thing by justice and all of us three love and in cold blood seek out revenge.
The Venomous Twins and Red Eye Machete can’t always work together. Electric Twin and myself have chosen a different path. Falcon Red Eye Machete had killed Toxic my twin and know I realize I am next .
The question existing do I trust or just get even? Red Eye Machete has chosen pure evil instead what we showed him the judicial way and empathy he rejects. Maybe, that is why my twin Toxic dies again do I become more evil I am electric power beyond life and death! Unfortunately, Toxic has been killed by Electric and Red Eye Machete tries to work things out but because of Toxic death Electric will make a pack that could or could not work she and her twin were also for justice and revenge on mortals that are evil Red Eye Machete turned dark but so wants justice for Toxic they make deal with the Reaper .
The Raven Mirror
The Raven’s Mirror to walk among men is like walking with demons, lies, hate, and above all death. Black Heart and the fabulous twins with black hair green eyes, pale as ice. The Venomous Twins have no doubt a heart that has turned but have a soul, that most humans would no doubt wish for but be very aware never push them to far. As the night comes very day so shall they. Most of humans are with Souls; but ,the ravenous Ravens are not with souls. The Ravens destroy and chaos must rule. The motto of the Ravens are “Burn us once, try, to harm the Raven twins you pay the price Heaven or Hell you must choose?”
As fate is fate Samson kills Toxic for spite both Samson and Princesses think they have won ! Electric is going out for justice and revenge for her twin sister. “They shall never rule the earth those two worthless animals”. Samson and Princess are the utter most evil that walks the planet greed and lust for food all day and night never ending for humans that walk the earth beware they are also lurking on other animals and all humans not for blood but for red meat . So they shall die they took my twin Toxic for no reason why? Princess and Samson killed Toxic just to eat again when both me and Toxic saw them gorge two humans and four tigers just for meat they are part if a evil cycle me and toxic have watched them they don’t like blood at all but eat as pigs do. Really how bored can they be, but we both saw also with Red Eye Machete they never will go out in the rain or snow we think that they are to good for this but they can’t survive in this world sad, dumb but they seem smart but all mankind has to deal with the elements if nature . Why did they kill my twin Revenge and Justice will prevail.
Chapter Two: Samson and Princesses
Behold their are two nasty villains are named Samson and Princesses, Samson a male about 23yrs old with white hair down his greasy back and this nasty is going through the dark side of life and princess’s also white pale and zombie like has a shade of black around her face the cursed choice being evil and greasy they prey on humans and beg for food like bums and they can be human or a cute little dogs in my opinion a dog is a bum, but be warned readers, the difference between pure evil that which evil begs humans and animals for food and if they are lucky a place to live and lay their nasty arses on the floor, but be warned evil through and through the Venomous Twins will soon kill the Evil Shitty Doggy Twins and eat them like Chinese Men do.
The Venomous twins are going to stop whatever has planned and try to save him from himself that means we are going rogue like him but not for revenge, but for both justice and revenge only evil dies. This path is so hard for the Venomous Twins, because we have seen to much feel too much for mankind. In the same respect we hate to much that’s what wrong with humans. Falcon Red Eye Machete kind is bloodline is from Russia and German during the 1660’s during the rule if Tsar Alexis. The Venomous twins, their kind are from England, France and Greece.
Their bloodline starts 1640’s. Despite their ages the Venous Twins and Red Eye Machete have done the right thing by justice and all of us three loves in cold blood and revenge too much all of three can’t always work together me and my Electric twin have chosen a different path.
Red eye had killed Toxic my twin and know I realize I am next, but he knew Toxic ways do I trust or just get even since he choose pure evil instead what we showed him Judicial and empathy so as my twin Toxic dies do I become more evil I am Electric power beyond life and death!
Unfortunately, Toxic has been killed by Electric and Red Eye Machete. Could they have worked things out? Because of Toxic, Death and Electric will make a pack that could or could not work. Death and her twin were also for justice and revenge on mortals that are evil Red Eye Machete turned dark but so wants justice for Toxic they make deal with the Reaper.
He was a lying man, that I lured upstairs to my bed, at dark, he didn’t care if was mites under neath the sheets. He as a lying Adultery Sinner deserved the Stabbing of my Machete in his guts , I butchered the villain to send a letter to his wife with the condom he used , as was presumed missing .Which twin was I that night he didn’t care , Yelled in Guilt as I stabbed the bastard for Justice. Who really go to hell The Twins, or him, I just send him to hell faster than the Alcohol or Cancer .
Machete Fate: Fallen Hatred Red Machete
His thirst for the night, her thirst for perfection vs those she judged and hunted.
Both twins were stripped of their powers. The Twin’s one face cut by her own weapon.
The Red Eye Machete carried out orders from the twin ‘the glory for quotas on Death.
Behold as fate may have it the Twin became arrogance her quotas and decreased, once beautiful face was slashed away by Red Eye Machete. Her twin lost her empire still powerful searches for something she lost the day Red Eye Machete made the twin’s face become pizza. To numb the pain was no longer the machete quota, she had to numb the pain, with the same thing she hunted and judged those with: Cocaine was a pain killer and marijuana and anything even LSD?
Her light room her luxury houses declined into a dark efficiency until one day had to do penance for her victim she saw long ago cried out on the street for help.
Nine Levels to Hell and 7 Deadly Sins as we touched on a few of their Sins.