Days of the Dragon Short Story
created by Shaun Scott’1993( 13 years old) 45 pages continued in 2013
The dragon is a mythical beast; In the folklore of many European and Asian Cultures. Legends describe dragons as large lizard like creatures
That breathe fire and have a long scaly tail. In Europe dragons are traditionally portrayed as Evil. Dragons can compared to vampires creatures of the night or blood sucking creatures that represent the evil fought by mankind.
In Chinese culture, the dragon symbolizes power, wisdom, and imperial authority. It represents good luck and authority, serving as an emblem of the emperor, closely associated with the majesty of the sovereign and the capability to govern the state. In Chinese culture, the dragon symbolizes power, wisdom, and imperial authority. It represents good luck and authority, serving as an emblem of the emperor, closely associated with the majesty of the sovereign and the capability to govern the state.
Dragons can be compared to vampires, creatures of the night or blood suckers who fly and have to hunt for their food at night who represent the evil fought by mankind
Chapter 1
Mai Jane White, that was my real name it’s been 20 years since I have used that name and have been human. I am a Dragon of the Night, and this is my story. In about 1981 I was sixteen years old just a normal teenager living in a small town of Pennsylvania. I remember this night clearly it was a long winter that year. Coming home from my friend’s Maggie ‘s house I decided to go through De jour Park. This park was a short cut to my home. The park could sometimes be filled with homeless or maybe dangerous drug addicts. Usually if you walked fast with your head up nobody would bother you
Something, a Creature, an Asian Man came out of the Sky and lunched and attacked me and bit at my neck . Then he vanished. When I came home I was in a state of hysteria, confused and sacred. I couldn’t stop shaking and crying, my lips and teeth Shaked as well . It was like I was living a nightmare. I closed my door in the house rapidly, locked it and then ran upstairs into my bathroom and turned on the tub. Opened the medicine closet and put some bandages on my neck. The wounds needed stiches but I was afraid to go to the hospital who was, going to believe me.
As I laid in the tub blood dripped down from the bandages. I stayed in the tub trying to make sense out of it all ,but I couldn’t. I got out of the tub released the water. Went to my bedroom and got into my night clothes and went to bed.
Something, a Creature , an Asian Man came out of the Sky and lunched and attacked me and bit at my neck . Then he vanished. When I came home I was in a state of hysteria confused and sacred. I couldn’t stop shaking and crying, my lips and teeth Shaked as well . It was like I was living a nightmare. I closed my door in the house rapidly locked it and then ran upstairs into my bathroom and turned on the tub. Opened the medicine closet and put some bandages on my neck. The wounds needed stiches but I was afraid to go to the hospital who was , going to believe me.
As I lay in the tub blood dripped down from the bandages. I stayed in the tub trying to make sense out of it all, but I couldn’t. I got out of the tub and released the water. Went to my bedroom and got into my night clothes and went to bed.
I woke up and rushed to the bathroom to see if my neck was bleeding profusely like it was the other night. The wounds disappeared. Was I dreaming was this one big Nightmare?
My Mother and Father who I called Bob were in the Vets Rehabilitation Center healing Bob’s alcoholism; they would be in the Vets Rehabilitation Center for a Month. I was to Fend for myself for a month. I am a product of an American Marine Vietnamese Veteran and a Vietnamese mother he fell in love and brought home to America to marry. Mia Nguyen to Vietnamese community and Mia Jane White to the American Community.
The Bridge
I was on the bridge and you yelled out to me , thought I was going to jump. I was waiting for the Sunset to Rise. You took me to your home Omar. You wrapped me in a blanket , so kind to me. We sat in your cozy living room listening to Old Nina Simone Records . Not only did I think you were handsome , I thought you to be kind. You asked me my name and said “Veronica”.
“Veronica why, are you trying to commit suicide?”
“ I have done to many awful things in my life -tired of running away from my past “
“ Veronica, sure it’s things in your life worth living -suicide isn’t the answer to your problems”
“ My problems are sight bigger than you think, you shouldn’t bring a Stranger in your house Omar, I might be a Killer or Something”
“ Pretty thing like you Veronica, I doubt you’re a Killer”
I laughed “ You have no idea .”
“ Do you have an address, let me take you home”
“ I don’t have a home, I haven’t a home since I was a teenager , I just have places to sleep “
“ Are you on Drugs , are you homeless, or are your some kind of Prostitue?”
“No Omar. I ran away from home when I was a teenager, never considered any place I stayed home “
“ Let me take you home”
Next morning, Omar came by my Studio apartment. I’m nocturnal vampire . I heard him knock. I had no urge to feed off Omar he was so cute he reminded me of Anthony my first Seduction and Feed. I can’t do this to this Nice African American Man. “
Night time, came Dragons of the Night don’t sleep in coffins. Omar came by my Studio Apartment again knocking. I had nothing on put a T-shirt and Panties on still in Shape Shifting form of Veronica a Latino woman. I opened the door.
“ Omar.”
“ Hi Veronica, I wanted to see if you were okay? After last night on the bridge. “
“Yes, I am fine. Somebody as Gorgeous as yourself, don’t you have a girlfriend to go home too?”
“I’m Single. I just broke up with my girlfriend 2 months ago- do you want to go out for a bite to eat”
“ I’m not hungry Omar, I don’t think it’s a good idea you coming around here anymore, I don’t want you to get hurt”
“ I usually say that to women. Let me take you out somewhere , where do you want to go?”
“ Okay. Omar. Take me back to your place . I want to listen to those Nina Simone Albums again.”
Omar smiled . “ I wait for you to get dressed- Just be honest with me and I won’t get hurt”
He took me back to place and I haven’t feed in a month. I haven’t had human sex in 10 years, looking forward to it – it has to be Special. Omar was really good looking African American man.
I seduced him for the whole night. Sunset came and I slept at Omar’s apartment all day. Omar was really good in bed he made love to be all night.
I woke up and tried to leave- I didn’t want to feed off him Omar begged me stay over his apartment again.
“Honesty. Omar. There are some people looking for me , I used to be involved in some really bad Shit.
“ Were you in a Gang or Something, I have a Gun in my closet if some fools are after you”
“A Gun won’t work. Did you ever hear of such a thing as Vampires”
“What are talking about Veronica, are you on drugs ?”
I walked into the Kitchen, and took a Machete from kitchen drawer and Cut my throat”
Omar screamed” What the Hell are you doing!”
The Wound healed in 2 minutes.
Like a Said Omar. I’m a Vampire
“What kind I shit did I get myself into”
I told you Omar, I am Trouble-I am trying really hard not to feed off of you .Your so Handsome and Nice.
First Kill
Bob was in rehab -I was home alone again. I was lonely and felt with emotions because of that attack in De Jour Park a few weeks ago. I stayed over my friends Maggie house during the End of the Month, it was a Full Moon. I figured I was mensurating, I felt strange all over my body. I was starving and food could not aide the hunger. Maggie, I cared about her, the last thing I wanted to do to my best friend was hurt her. I was in so much pain and fell out of the bed onto the floor.
Maggie reached out to me in the dark and asked me gently as she touched my shoulder
“Mei, Mei are you okay?”
I couldn’t help myself; I lashed out towards Maggie’s throat and savagely drank from her body until Maggie fell on the floor in her bedroom dead.
I couldn’t remember anything after that I blacked out and ended up back at my house. That was the last place I called home. I packed up as many clothes as I could and ran away that night.
The Police filed a Missing Report for myself & pinpointed the Case to Maggie’s Death. It was all over the News and inside the Newspaper. Little Town News the Murder of Maggie Lebrowski and the disappearance of Mai Jane White 1971. It was a Cold Case that Never was Solved. Assume my Parents announced me dead in 1983.
I left my small town in Pennsylvania and wandered feeding off the homeless.
I ended up somewhere in Ohio, another smalltown. I was drawn to Ohio and a house that was very
Victorian like. I knocked on the door, and an Asian woman in her 50s answered the door. The woman knew my name she said
“I been expecting you Mei Nguyen, I am sure you have questions?”
I entered this older Asian woman’s home with my bag of clothes, I will always remember the smell of the Victorian House it smelt like Moth Balls and Lavender probably to cover up the smell of the Dragon of the Night. I never had the smell of the Dragon it’s a detectable smell to summon other Dragons of the Night.
Who are you ? I asked
“ I am Jane Meng, I am like you a Dragon of the Night. An Asian Vampire descent . You have been bitten by a rogue apprentice of mine named Liu Chang. I telepathically drawing you from Pennsylvania to Ohio. Your frightened and confused, you must stay here to learn the ways of our Clan the Dragons of the Night.”