Write up sezgin burak’s tarkan


Significance of Study

Tarkan comics

Tarkan is a mighty Turkish warrior. He is often accompanied by his loyal dog Kurt as they embark on exciting adventures and saving pretty ladies from danger.

His great mission started when a political leader hired him to guard his daughter from the threats of the Turkish Vikings. They intend to sacrifice the her to their 8 legged demigod, Lovecraftian.

When the vicious Vikings came, Tarkan was outnumbered and the girl was abducted. Now Tarkan and Kurt have to seek out, save and bring back their damsel in distress from harm before it’s too late.

Tarkan medieval comic book series was created by Sezgin Burak and was launched on February 1973 by Simavi Publishing Ltd. This now defunct comics featured only 16 pages, half the length of a normal 32 page comic book.

Tarkan, written by Sezgin Burak in 1966; Attila and the Hun people

He is one of the warriors who represent domination and power all over the world. Sezgin

He created the character of Burak Tarkan based on the information he collected during his time in Italy. Although Tarkan is similar in genre to other comics of the period, it differs from them in various aspects. Tarkan is about a much older history than its counterparts and

It has much more fantastic and mythological elements. On the other hand, in addition to all the fantastic and mythological elements, there are more stories based on historical facts than other historical comics.

Sezgin states that he chose the name Burak Tarkan because it means “hero with Turkish blood”. When the origin of the name Tarkan is examined in more depth, this name is first encountered in the Orhun Inscriptions. The name Tarkan, whose dictionary meaning is “chosen person, deputy”, was also used in a similar sense in the Orhun Inscriptions. Tarkan to Bilge Khagan’s vizier Kül Tigin

It is said that he praised him by giving his name. In other words, Sezgin decided to give Burak Tarkan a name that has the meaning of “elected, deputy” under the apparent meaning of “having Turkish blood” (www.tarkan.com).

The story telling about Tarkan’s past and birth is “Silver If”. It is followed by “Wolf Blood”, which looks back at Tarkan’s childhood and tells it in more detail. Later, “The Sword of Mars”, “Viking

Many stories such as “Blood of Blood” and “Maryo’s Birds” follow each other.

Tarkan; like other examples of its kind, humans in need of protection, corrupting vamp

women, types that create a comedy element with their weakness and clumsiness, evil characters that exist with constant cruelty.

characters and a charismatic hero who does not stick to any place, fighting, fighting, chasing

It includes adventures in plots such as. However, they differ from similar ones in their fantastic content. Tarkan movies also reflect the fantastic-mythical atmosphere of the comics and

It is seen that the films are constructed very faithfully to the comics. Only some side characters and stories are interchanged or interspersed in the films.

According to Segin Burak, the creator of the Tarkan series; “For us Turks, Tarkan can live in every era. Because he is a hero who symbolizes the Turkish character.

 Tarkan, who was depicted with dark hair during his childhood with the wolves,

He has light brown hair that tinges with blonde at his age. This situation occurred during his time with the wolves.

Because it lives in caves and hunts at night. But when he grew up, he would travel all day long.

Because he has traveled all over the world, his hair color is also light. Even this detail belongs to Sezgin Burak.

It shows how meticulous and attentive he is in his work. Tarkan, who grew up to be a well-shaped, blond-haired young man, displayed the image of a Kipchak Turk with this appearance.

It aims to show that he has pure Turkish blood. It can also be claimed that such a physical appearance was chosen by showing Atatürk as a role model because he had leadership qualities.

Tarkan, who was depicted with dark hair during his childhood with the wolves,

He has light brown hair that tinges with blonde at his age. This situation occurred during his time with the wolves.

Because it lives in caves and hunts at night. But when he grew up, he would travel all day long.

Because he has traveled all over the world, his hair color is also light. Even this detail belongs to Sezgin Burak.

It shows how meticulous and attentive he is in his work. Tarkan, who grew up to be a well-shaped, blond-haired young man, displayed the image of a Kipchak Turk with this appearance.

It aims to show that he has pure Turkish blood. It can also be claimed that such a physical appearance was chosen by showing Atatürk as a role model because he had leadership qualities.

Tarkan’s tangled hair, blowing in the wind, always falls on his shoulders. Journey

She wears a scarf on her head during the training session, but never ties her hair. Her body, which is not larger than normal, is quite

He is athletic and vigorous. She wears a top that reveals the proportions of her body. Her arms and legs are always open, and she has no clothing or accessories that would restrict her ability to move freely. Although he displays a well-shaped physique, he does not dress ostentatiously and is a servant of the khan, not a lord.

He wears a solid-coloured fur coat, börk, cape, leather wristbands and boots. Tarkan’s arrival

The wolf head medallion, the symbol of his lineage, his belt and his shield are the accessories he always carries with him. These accessories mark his brave and warrior identity, but they are never used as a seal.

It does not move him to the position of bey. His costume consisting of fur and leather indicates that he is Turkish.

is proof; It is a very suitable warrior costume for nomadic people who are experts in animal husbandry. It is often emphasized in the works that it is understood from his clothing and the harness of his horse that he is a Turk.

In addition, the silver saddle and the eagle-headed sword, inherited from his father, are indicators of Tarkan’s power.

These are valuable assets that he always keeps with him. (

Tarkan, whose sole purpose in life was to serve the Chief Attila and to be the ambassador and guardian of his power, only accepted Attila’s authority. Chief’s orders

The hero, who is not influenced by anyone else, makes many friends on his journey and shares them with them.

He finds the chance to meet again in his adventures. However, as it is known, Tarkan is always alone. Of course

He has a home, a homeland, but he does not depend on anyone; is always on the move. of the Turks

It is the best example of not being able to remain constant.

Tarkan, who always has a level-headed and cold demeanor, speaks very little. Even when speaking, he clenches his teeth and speaks in a distant manner. He had sex with many women and many men.

Even if he is a friend, he does not take anyone into his privacy, and he does not fully trust anyone other than the Wolf.

Tarkan, who was left without a mother and father when he was a baby and lived with wolves, is a symbol of ideality.

He almost never reveals his emotions and mood. It is difficult to guess what is going through his mind under his harsh gaze. The hero, who rarely smiles, often speaks of the greatness of the Turkish nation and revenge when he speaks.

The hero, who always wants to keep his distance, cannot stand the oppression of the oppressed, the rape attempts, or those who try to insult Turkishness, and inevitably finds himself in a struggle.

finds it within. He takes control of the situation, resolves it, and retreats back into his own world.

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