Write up on Tech Geek History: Motorola 6800

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Background of the Study

The Motorola 6800, introduced in 1974, is one of the pioneering microprocessors that played a pivotal role in the evolution of computing. As one of the first microprocessors to gain significant market traction, the 6800 influenced numerous applications in both consumer electronics and industrial automation. This article explores the historical context, architectural design, key features, applications, and lasting legacy of the Motorola 6800.

The early 1970s marked a turning point in the field of computing. Microprocessors were emerging as a revolutionary technology, enabling the development of smaller, more affordable computers. Before the introduction of the 6800, many computers relied on discrete transistor technology, which was costly and cumbersome. Motorola recognized the potential for a compact, efficient microprocessor that could power the next generation of computing devices.

Significance of the Study


The 6800 was developed by a team at Motorola led by Dr. Robert Noyce, a co-founder of Intel and a pioneer in semiconductor technology. The design aimed to create a microprocessor that could compete with existing offerings, such as Intel’s 8080 and the Zilog Z80. Motorola focused on creating a processor that was not only powerful but also cost-effective and user-friendly.

The result was a microprocessor with an elegant architecture, low power consumption, and a comprehensive instruction set. It was packaged in a 40-pin dual in-line package (DIP), allowing for easy integration into various devices.

Market Impact

The 6800 quickly gained popularity in various industries, becoming the foundation for several early personal computers and embedded systems. Companies like Apple, Atari, and Commodore adopted the 6800 for their products, marking a significant moment in the history of computing. The processor’s affordability and performance enabled hobbyists and small manufacturers to develop innovative computing solutions, setting the stage for the personal computing revolution.

Architecture of the Motorola 6800

The architecture of the 6800 is characterized by its simplicity, efficiency, and versatility. Below, we delve into its key components, features, and capabilities.


The 6800 microprocessor features a set of registers that are essential for its operation. These include:

  1. Accumulator (A): The primary register used for arithmetic and logical operations. The accumulator holds the data being processed by the microprocessor.
  2. Index Registers (X and Y): These registers are used for indexed addressing modes, allowing for efficient data manipulation and array handling.
  3. Stack Pointer (SP): The stack pointer points to the current top of the stack in memory, enabling the microprocessor to manage subroutine calls and interrupts.
  4. Program Counter (PC): The program counter holds the address of the next instruction to be executed, allowing for sequential execution of instructions.
  5. Condition Code Register (CCR): This register contains flags that reflect the status of the processor, including zero, carry, overflow, and negative flags.

Instruction Set

The Motorola 6800 boasts a rich instruction set comprising 56 instructions. These instructions can be categorized into several groups:

  1. Data Movement: Instructions that move data between registers and memory. Examples include LDA (Load Accumulator) and STA (Store Accumulator).
  2. Arithmetic Operations: Instructions that perform basic arithmetic operations, such as ADC (Add with Carry) and SBC (Subtract with Carry).
  3. Logic Operations: Instructions that perform bitwise operations, including AND, OR, and EOR.
  4. Control Flow: Instructions that alter the program’s execution flow, such as JMP (Jump) and BRA (Branch).
  5. Branching Instructions: Instructions that allow for conditional execution, such as BEQ (Branch if Equal) and BNE (Branch if Not Equal).

Instruction Set

This processor has an instruction set of only 72 instructions. The instructions + operands range with a usual size of between 1 to 3 bytes. At this size and simplicity, even putting together a simple program without an assembler could be done. Many instructions are variations on the same high-level operation with a different addressing mode. For my task goal, I don’t need to get deep into understanding of the instruction. I just needed to know what is a 1 byte operation that I could do without any additional hardware or memory needed. Many processors support an instruction often called nop, standing for “No Operation.” This instruction, as its name suggest, does nothing beyond take up space. My plan was to hard-wire this instruction into the system. This would let it run without any RAM and without causing any faults or halting conditions.

For this processor, the numerical value for the nop instruction is 0x01. This is an easy encoding to remember. To wire this instruction in the circuit, I only need to connect the least significant bit of the processor’s data line to a high signal and tie the other ones to a low signal.

Addressing Modes

The 6800 supports several addressing modes, which determine how the processor accesses memory. These modes include:

  1. Immediate Addressing: The operand is specified directly in the instruction. For example, LDA #$10 loads the value 10 into the accumulator.
  2. Zero Page Addressing: This mode accesses memory in the first 256 bytes (zero page) for faster access. For example, LDA $20 loads the value from memory address $20.
  3. Absolute Addressing: This mode allows access to any memory location directly using a 16-bit address. For example, LDA $1234 loads the value from memory address $1234.
  4. Indexed Addressing: This mode uses index registers to access memory. For example, LDA $20, X loads the value from memory address $20 + X.
  5. Indirect Addressing: This mode accesses memory indirectly through a pointer stored in a specified location. For example, LDA ($00) loads the value from the address pointed to by the value at $00.


The Motorola 6800 operates at clock speeds typically ranging from 1 MHz to 2 MHz, depending on the variant. The efficiency of the architecture allows it to execute instructions in a variable number of clock cycles, contributing to its performance. The simplicity of the design, combined with its robust instruction set, enabled the 6800 to perform a wide range of computing tasks effectively.

Applications of the Motorola 6800

The 6800 microprocessor has been widely used in various applications across multiple industries, solidifying its status as a classic processor. Some notable applications include:

Home Computers

  1. Apple I and II: The original Apple computers utilized the 6800 architecture, paving the way for the personal computing revolution. The Apple II, in particular, became one of the most successful home computers, featuring advanced graphics and sound capabilities.
  2. Atari Consoles: The Atari 2600, released in 1977, relied on the 6800 for its gaming capabilities, contributing to the popularity of home gaming.
  3. Commodore PET: The Commodore PET was one of the first all-in-one personal computers, powered by the 6800. Its user-friendly design and built-in monitor made it popular among educational institutions and hobbyists.

Embedded Systems

The 6800 found extensive use in embedded systems due to its low cost and efficiency. Applications included:

  1. Automotive Control Systems: Many early automotive control systems employed the 6800 for tasks such as engine management and dashboard displays, enabling advancements in automotive technology.
  2. Consumer Electronics: The 6800 was integrated into various consumer devices, including microwaves, washing machines, and home appliances, allowing for automation and control.
  3. Industrial Automation: The 6800 was used in programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other industrial applications, enabling improved efficiency and automation in manufacturing processes

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