New Jersey War Journals

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Illustrated by Sky Young & Written by Shaun Scott

Since the Dawn of man the Shadow Law has been around. It started in Mesopotamia when Giants walked the Earth. Banned from most societies in Ancient Middle East & African continents because of its dark magic…it was very popular in Asia especially China during the reign of the first Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Haung. Qin Shi Haung harnessed the Shadow Law to obtain his great power. He learned of this from texts that still remained after the Great Flood . The Shadow Law gives humans the power to manipulate shadows depending on their interest. It could be used for good ; but most utilize the craft for Evil purposes.

South Africa Claire Mundane Vice President of a Telecommunications Company in New Jersey day job is just an undercover front . Claire Mundane runs the under world of crime as She -Devil who runs Narcotics mostly Pure Cocaine from Kenya to the United States of America, New Jersey.

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